Yuriko Yoshitaka nude in Snakes and Earrings: Sex scenes make hot Japanese girls famous

Yuriko Yoshitaka, star of the live action remake of the manga Gantz, didn’t always make her living as a headliner in blockbuster movies. Her first big break had her naked on her back under guys with lots of tattoos and piercings.

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The now 22-year-old actress is known for her sweet personality and her acting chops. Her first major role was in the movie Snakes and Earrings (2008), where she played a troubled youth whose life gets turned around by a split tongued tattooed rebel. And if you want to see Yuriko squirm and scream as she is getting screwed, watch the film.

Talk about a debut. Since appearing on Oricon’s top young actresses poll back in 2008, she has landed many roles and has been taking the Japanese entertainment scene by storm.

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Of course, Yuriko has also done many, many lovely modeling shoots since her rise to fame.

There is something a little uncomfortable about watching Yuriko’s naked body like this, though, because Snakes and Earrings was directed by Yukio Ninagawa, who was born in 1935. We wonder the atmosphere was like on set as this teenager stripped at the command of the much-older guys behind the camera.

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