The results are predictable and messy. Along comes a journalist in the West who fancies tackleing the thorny old saw that is sexlessness in Japan, or a perceived problem of sexlessness, and blunders around making generalizations based on some Google searches. This time it's well-known writer Julie Burchill in the British right-leaning weekly magazine The Spectator, who provocatively asks "Why do the Japanese despise sex?" Her rationale seems to be that it all comes down to hikikomori -- acute social withdrawal syndrome -- which affects, the article claims, some half a million male ...

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We stumbled upon a report of yet another survey that basically claims that many young Japanese no longer want romance in their lives. One in four young Japanese people apparently claim that "love is a pain in the butt". Japanese matchmaking service Partner Agent recently polled a total of 1,960 men and women between the ages and 20 and 29 or 40 and 49. Among the questions asked were "Do you want to have a romantic relationship, or do you think that romance is an inconvenient pain?" Among the 20-29 demographic, 24.5 percent were of the latter opinion. Almost half of the young ...

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Every few months along comes another one: a sensationalist English-language news wire article about Japanese sex dolls that appears everywhere, eager for clicks and comments. This time it's an article with the very sensitively headline "Silicone Sally: Japanese men find true love with sex dolls". It comes courtesy of AFP, about physiotherapist Masayuki Ozaki turning to a silicone sex doll, Mayu, when romance in his marriage dried up. Lonely guy buys sex doll. Hardly news. Goodness knows how AFP found this story or if it's even true. We are naturally somewhat suspicious of someone who ...

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Another week and another survey brings grim news about sex in Japan. Following the news wire article a few days ago about 26.9% of idols being sexually harassed that has been making the rounds of various English-language publications, now comes another one about that perennial favorite: sexless Japan. Japan seems to be, if we believe the media, a sexless and barren land -- or a hyper-sexualised place of weird fetishes and mountains of porn. What is the truth? Both at the same time? Neither? Or something more nuanced in between? Needless to say, a blog like this hardly paints the best ...

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Half of Japanese married couples sleep separately, according to a survey by VenusTrap. The online magazine asked 400 married men if they slept in the same room as their wives. 50.2% of men said they haven't slept in the same room as their wives since getting married. The top reason for this was that the couple were now "sexless". 40.8% of the men who said "no" to the first question gave this as the cause for sleeping separately. "It is tough to sleep next to a woman you can't have sex with," some men said. Others were told by their wives, "If we're not going to do it, then we don't ...

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Yet another article is claiming Japan is a sexless wasteland of virgins and singletons. In this case, the bold claim is that "almost half of young men and women are virgins". These articles are perennials, loved by editors and journalists -- but treated with some disdain by old hands. The other common trope is that is a kinky wonderland, full of very fetish and craziness imaginable. Perhaps the two myths are not as incompatible as they sound. Personally, we sit on the fence with this one. A survey of Japanese people aged 18 to 34 found that almost 70% of unmarried men and ...

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More moaning and groaning about "sexless Japan" in the Japan Times, this time in a piece titled For many young Japanese, marriage — and sex — are low priorities. It highlights an 18-year-old who "winces whenever he imagines himself dating a girl". Stats maketh the truth. The article has a nice survey to back up its theory of under-sexed youngsters: 74.3% of people in their twenties are not in a relationship, compared to 50% in 1996. Another poll found that 40% of people in their twenties are "not looking for a relationship". Meanwhile, yet another study by the Japan Family ...

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Around 40% of Japanese singles do not want romantic partner. That's according to a dubious government survey, published this week and picked up by the media. It refers to single Japanese people in their twenties and thirties. Apparently they find relationships "bothersome". The survey, conducted by the Cabinet Office on the Internet and by mail between last December and January, covered 7,000 people aged 20 to 39. Valid responses were received from 37.8 percent. Of the valid respondents, 37.6 percent said they don’t want a romantic partner, while 60.8 percent voiced ...

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One in four Japanese men in their thirties have never had sex, claims UK newspaper The Independent, drawing from an AFP article doing the rounds. In what is now an all-too familiar trope for Japan veterans, the foreign media has wheeled out the tired anti-Japanese male propaganda for another punishment session. Last week it was Japanese dog-groomers shaving their dogs into square shapes (actually, not real dogs at all). This week it's Japanese guys can't have sex. 41-year-old Takashi Sakai is just one of many middle-aged Japanese men who have still not have sex. He has never ...

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Joining the recent silliness of Condom Day in the (ever-increasing) list of odd anniversaries in Japan, "Kiss Day" is celebrated on May 23rd because it is the day that the film Hatachi no seishun (20-Year-Old Youth) was released in 1946. In case you're not a film buff, that's the movie that featured the first ever kiss scene, though the stars may have had gauze between them. To celebrate, Edition Aoyama, a club in Akasaka, Tokyo, is holding an event on Saturday where couples (not necessarily male-female, it seems) are invited to kiss each other through an acrylic plastic ...

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