It seems rarely a week goes by without another survey appearing in the media with worrying stats confirming that Japan is "sexless". Sekkusu-banare, the media dubs it -- literally "drifting away from sex". Well, a survey carried by the Japan Family Planning Association has some shocking results: around half of Japanese married couples are "sexless." Apparently we shouldn't be worried about the "herbivore men" (soushoku danshi) so much as the "fasting men" (zesshoku danshi). The survey, the seventh by the Association since 2002, was carried out last September with 3,000 men and women ...

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Another day, another media article about sexlessness in Japan. This time it was an article by Jiji that got republished on The Japan Times. It focuses on a survey from last September by the Japan Family Planning Association about married couples. It found that 49.3% of people said they had had no sex in the past month. "There was a disparity in the sexes," the article claims, though in fact the numbers are almost the same: 48.3% for men were sexless, 50.1% of women. So around half of people don't have sex! Of course, it's natural that married couples have sex less frequently ...

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Ignition, a newish English-language online magazine about Japan, has published an article on "Japan: The Sexless Nation". The article is actually a translation of a piece that appeared in a Japanese newspaper, by Kaku Sechiyama, a professor at University of Tokyo. It is provocative, to say the least: Japan has the lowest sexual frequency in the world, and it is the only country where the percentage of people who are not happy with their sex life is higher than that of those who are. In 2005, out of people in 41 countries, Japan ranked lowest -- with an average of sex just 45 ...

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The Japan Society of Sexual Science has completed a large survey of sexual habits among middle-aged and elderly couples, investigating Japan's chronic issue of "sexlessness". Surveying sexual activity among 1,162 middle-aged and older men and women, the results show intriguing trends for the reality of Japanese relationships. The survey was conducted between January 2011 and December 2012, with men and women living in the Kanto region (which includes Tokyo, Yokohama, Saitama, Chiba etc.) aged between 40 and 79. The average age of male respondents was 59.5 and for women it was ...

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Durex, the condom brand, have an interest in things sexual. This doesn't just mean marketing their prophylactic, it also means studying global sex habits. From Durex's Sexual Wellbeing Survey (2007/2008) and Face of Global Sex (2012), they gained some insights into international bedroom tendencies among heterosexual couples. The Japan results intrigued us... The main conclusion is that apparently people in Japan are very unhappy with their sex lives. Japan was the only country where more people said they were dissatisfied with their sex lives than satisfied. See the chart ...

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It must be the season. Just as Tokyo is getting pounded by typhoons on a weekly basis, so is the foreign media taking an interest in reporting about "nerdy" Japan. First we had the respected newspaper the Guardian cherry-pick some statistics to produce the dubious conclusion that young people aren't having sex anymore. Now the BBC has an article about "the Japanese men who prefer virtual girlfriends to sex". Well, my first response was -- you've just found out about this now?! Secondly, of course, it tars us Japanese guys with the same brush as the otaku. Much as we love otaku ...

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A long article in the Guardian has been published that purports to be sociological and serious, but is actually perpetuating the usual myths we read about our great country -- everyone is unhappy, everyone only works, no one has sex. The sexes, especially in Japan's giant cities, are "spiralling away from each other". Lacking long-term shared goals, many are turning to what [a sex therapist] terms "Pot Noodle love" -- easy or instant gratification, in the form of casual sex, short-term trysts and the usual technological suspects: online porn, virtual-reality "girlfriends", anime cartoons. ...

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We've looked at surveys before -- from men who never date to the best breasts, habits and the most-viewed Wikipedia pages. Now Sagami, one of Japan's leading condom makers, has released the results of a big nationwide survey, Nippon no Sex, it did in January this year. It surveyed 14,100 men and women online (plus 29,315 in a pre-survey), aged from their twenties to their sixties, and from all of Japan's forty-seven prefectures. The results are a little alarming in places, such as that 40.6% of Japanese males are still virgins (as opposed to just 25.5% of women), and that the average ...

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That's what the results of a survey would have us believe. It surveyed 3,616 men and women aged 20 to 49 around Japan on the theme of marriage and children online in early February. 30% of men in both their twenties and thirties answered that they had never had sex or been in a relationship. The numbers of people dated increases for men in their thirties compared with respondents in their twenties, but the proportion of people who with no experience of romance among the unmarried remains the same. On the other hand, girls in their twenties with no experience of a relationship is ...

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Sometimes I don't get Japan at all. And it's my own country. So-called "sexless" relationships are a big problem here. There are marriages up and down the land where no fucking is happening between man and wife. And it's not just the middle-aged. Even the youngsters aren't up to as much as they should be. This is bad news for condom makers. One contraception manufacturer has said that its sales of condoms is just 60% of what it was 30 years ago. Personally, though, knowing a lot of chums, I reckon it's the local penchant for not using a condom and ending it all with a glorious bukkake ...

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