Like millions of others, you have probably seen and enjoyed the homemade porn content by Naomiii, recording her sexual exploits with a partner in various parts of Japan, and showcasing her amazing body, which probably includes the best-shaped labia we have possibly ever seen. But publicly shared sex tapes and amateur porn are still subject to the same obscenity law in Japan that demands censorship of genitalia, and you are especially liable to attract police attention if you are successfully selling content online -- and ultimately face arrest. And so it has come to pass for Naomiii, ...

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A US Marine corporal has been arrested for filming a female sex worker in Naha, Okinawa. The 22-year-old was arrested at the scene on May 4 for breaching a little-known law against filming sexual acts. The Marine is attached to Camp Kinser (Machinato Service Area) in Urasoe on the main island of Okinawa. He told police, "I didn't know it was illegal [to film]." And if we're honest, that's fair enough. While a customer likely knows it's almost always against the brothel's rules and liable to land you in trouble, it might surprise many that you can actually face arrest for filming your ...

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Revenge porn cases hit a record high in 2023, according to a report by the National Police Agency released on April 8. The agency said that it received 1,812 consultations from people during the 2023 about nude images leaked by a partner or ex-partner. It's up 4.9% from 2022 and marks the seventh year in a row in which cases have risen. It is a worrying trend but, with the complete proliferation of phones and online culture, likely only to get worse. In part, the increase is also due to greater recognition of revenge porn as a phenomenon and a legal category, and criminalization of it ...

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On October 13, NMB48 announced that Fuuwa Kuroda (黒田楓和) was to leave the music group with her graduation performance being on October 26 and last official day as a member on November 5. However, on October 28, the group announced that Kuroda will instead leave with immediate effect, and won't attend three hand-shaking events as planned on October 29, November 4, and November 5. Health issues are nominally cited as the reason, but Japanese netizens have speculated that the real reason is much darker. It is alleged that the 19-year-old made a sex tape with her boyfriend, which has ...

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Japan's much-publicized, controversial new porn law that passed last year was ostensibly conceived to introduce safeguards against performer coercion. Is it actually doing its job? It's perhaps too early to say, though many major adult video stars were publicly opposed to the legislation. The newly established rules on contracts and paperwork quickly claimed its first victim, when a production firm executive was arrested in December for misleading performers and uploading uncensored material. Concerns, though, were soon raised about the potential loophole in the law regard private and ...

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We've trawled the Japanese interwebs for some of the best leaked pics of amateurs having sex in the doggy position. Doing it bakku, as doggy style is called here, is a popular past-time, as these photos attest. Doing it on a bed or the floor. Doing it up against a table. Doing it while she's still wearing panties. Doing it on a couch. OK, these are obvious enough. But how about doing it doggy while eating noodles? You've gotta admire the skill and balance involved in that choice, which is perhaps further proof (if any were needed) that this is a nation of people truly ...

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Earlier this year, a new law was passed with major implications for how adult video productions are made and released in Japan. The legislation gives performers a lot more say over their contract, allowing them to withdraw even after signing a contract and to cancel a contract after a production is completed and released. Producers must also allow a cooling-off period after a contact is signed and after a video is shot, to give performers the chance to change their minds, and provide very detailed instructions on the nature of the shots and activities expected. One type of AV not covered by ...

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Roshutsu outdoor/public sex is a big part of adult video in Japan and, thanks to Fantia and OnlyFans, there are also lots of amateurs trying to make a quick yen by making and posting their own videos. But be careful, folks: the boys in blue are not as keen on your content! Yuina Yamamoto was recently arrested with her boyfriend, Ryuken Yoshino, a restaurant owner in Nagoya, for public indecency. The pair, who live together, were known for making sex tapes under the name RYO&YUU and posting them online to make money. Since last summer, Yamamoto and Yoshino filmed videos and then ...

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The trial of former KAT-TUN member Koki Tanaka over possession of drugs has now begun in Nagoya. The 36-year-old musician and actor, who was a member of the boy band until 2013 and then a solo artist, has admitted the charge of methamphetamine possession. Nagoya police arrested in February this year. It follows his previous brush with the law in 2017, when he was charged with marijuana possession. But there's another "crime" that the Weekly Bunshun uncovered (in an article first published in February this year). Tanaka was apparently affected mentally by the pandemic and being unable to go ...

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There's a reason that a lot of love hotel rooms have mirrors installed. Who doesn't want to watch themselves having sex? Following on from our popular post last year about leaked sex selfies by amateur couples at Japanese love hotels, we present another roundup of nude sex selfies by couples taken in front of a mirror. From man on woman to two men on one women, from bedrooms to hotel rooms, bathrooms, and more, from young lovers to older couples, from pre- to mid-coitus, the scenarios vary a bit, as does the quality (pictorial and physical). Sometimes the flash glare serves as an effective ...

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