The best leaked Japanese amateur doggy sex photos

We’ve trawled the Japanese interwebs for some of the best leaked pics of amateurs having sex in the doggy position.

Doing it bakku, as doggy style is called here, is a popular past-time, as these photos attest.

Doing it on a bed or the floor. Doing it up against a table. Doing it while she’s still wearing panties. Doing it on a couch.

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OK, these are obvious enough. But how about doing it doggy while eating noodles? You’ve gotta admire the skill and balance involved in that choice, which is perhaps further proof (if any were needed) that this is a nation of people truly obsessed with food. They can’t stop thinking about food even when they’re having sex!

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1 Comment

  • Jason June 19, 2024

    A food sex challenge is needed!

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