The hottest leaked sex selfies of Japanese couples at love hotels

In all the recent fuse on this blog about gravure idols, photo books, and nude sex scenes on The Naked Director, it’s been a while since we did a post like this. Please indulge us while we take a trip down amateurs’ lane.

Couples in Japan visiting a love hotel for an intimate session may often pose for a nude selfie in front of a mirror to mark the occasion either before or after they get down to action.

Inevitably in such a day and age, these leak online and others get to view and enjoy the images.

For the ethically dubious purpose of edifying our readers, we have brought together a collection of such leaked nude love hotel mirror selfies.

Many obscure the faces of the participants, especially the men. Some are pre-sex but many show the couples already having sex (penetrative or oral). The body shapes and sizes as well as beauty of the participants is varied, to say the least. The photos are mostly taken by the men, as you might expect, though the women don’t seem unwilling participants in the selfie. The level of camera equipment is also intriguing: some people settle for a quick snap with their phone; others evidently brought along a larger and more sophisticated camera to get the quality of shot they really wanted.

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  • TheDude July 2, 2021

    Definitely some talent in that group

  • doudemoiiju July 2, 2021

    Where could I find these amateur works?
    I only know that I can find very few real japanese amateur videos on avgle,tokyomotion

  • anon July 3, 2021

    I can’t help wonder how many of these people are famous…

  • aigoo July 9, 2021

    Especially married couple casually love taking selfies while doing that act

  • Enzo July 14, 2021

    Last one is a dude right?

  • Felix July 19, 2021

    Would like to see a similar blog on korean couples too

  • used to fap at akb48 October 19, 2021

    that why i love japanese sex culture

  • WWsim April 6, 2024

    If AV male actor need a mystery paper cup, during porn shot video and waring comdom & did not really cum shot in to female vagina , for what to become porn Actor? female Actress not really squit , Orgasm and in her vagina not really got real sperm?? that fake pornstars idol !but earn so much. if really want /dare to AV porn actress vagina should get real sperm in side .!!

  • Jason June 19, 2024

    Does anyone know if the JAV industry has a male star who breaks in first timer gals in the industry or is it pretty much a bunch of random guys doing it?

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