In 2015, Nippon Television landed in hot water when it rescinded a job offer for a college graduate after it found out she had experience as a Ginza hostess. Rina Sasazaki took the broadcaster to court and won a settlement as well as her original job offer back again. Here's a similar cautionary tale. Kayo Matsumoto is a freelance TV presenter (called "announcers" in Japan). She was forced to leave TV Aichi in September 2014 after her dabbling in porn was exposed. As we know, the AV industry is absolutely huge and every year an army of women debut in porn. Most have short careers and an ...

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Did voice actress and singer Emi Niita appear in a Japanese porn film in 2008? The 30-year-old cutie is best known for voicing Honoka Kosaka in Love Live! She also appeared in last year's Kohaku Uta Gassen. But before she was famous she may have appeared in an AV from the series "Amateur Illustrated Encyclopedia". At least, that's what's being alleged by a tabloid and is currently causing explosions online. We can't confirm the story. Her agency has denied it and threatened to sue. Fans are parsing the women in the film (which has jumped up the DMM adult rankings because of the scandal) ...

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