Mana Sakura was recently admitted to hospital, suffering from pneumonia. When Sakura shared news about her health on social media earlier this month, it sparked a lot of unfounded online speculation that she found offensive. Some netizens even claimed that she had AIDS. Sakura has reacted with fury to these allegations, issuing the corrective and promising to consult with her agency about launching a lawsuit against the people who spread the rumors about her having AIDS. The 31-year-old Sakura, who is also a novelist (four and counting, and one was adapted into a movie) and director, is ...

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Print publishing is in dire straits, so people have said for years now, and magazines and newspapers have particularly struggled. Titles large and small have folded or seriously downsized. Even Japan's mammoth adult video and porn industry -- often said to be the largest of its kind in the world -- is not immune to this downward trend, even though DVD sales are still relatively healthy. The eponymous magazine put out by porn giant Soft on Demand will end with the September issue. Issue 99 features a suitably commemorative cover featuring multiple eleven top Japanese porn stars in revealing ...

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Top Japanese adult video star Mana Sakura has tried her hand at some naked body painting -- with some simple yet lavish results. The insanely popular porn princess shared the visual delights on Twitter -- the behind-the-scenes snaps from sort sort of collaboration with painter Ryuji Kamiyama. It was a shoot for the July issue of Japanese men's fashion magazine smart, which went on sale last week on the day that Mana tweeted the pics. The body painting seems to be words, mainly in English, but our eyes or imaginations are not sharp enough to decipher them. "Love me," ...

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Mana Sakura is a major AV star right now, so much so that she even has her own luxury naked figure. But she isn't content with just fame and fortune. She wants more challenges. So she has reinvented herself as a writer and director. She has directed a video in which Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un are not world leaders blustering at each other about nuclear war, but rather best buddies. Given Trump's state visit to Japan and South Korea this week, the timing of the satire is perfect. To be fair, the video, which Sakura has said is intended to promote world peace, has been funded by Bonx as ...

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One of Japan's top porn stars today, Mana Sakura, has had her fully naked body recreated as a large figure. The first in a projected series of figures called Sexy Idol, Mana Sakura has given her approval to the awesome figure, which comes in three sizes (25cm, 30cm, 35cm) costing between ¥200,000 and ¥300,000. Now how's that for beating your fellow otaku's figure collection? Sadly, there's no hole included so this can't officially be used as a mini sex doll... but there are surely other ways to enjoy it! Ordinarily we would immediately point readers in the direction ...

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Disgraced gravure idol and now one of AV's top porn stars Shoko Takahashi/Takasaki has joined her fellow porn newcomer Yua Mikami (Momona Kito) for what must be the sexiest photo shoot of the year. These nude shots, taken for Weekly Playboy in the autumn, really show off both their voluptuous bodies to the full. What's more, in a more recent subsequent nude photo shoot the two were joined by none other than Mana Sakura, who is already a major star in her own right. There was even a 30-minute video to accompany the "lesbian threesome" shoot. And check out those stunning ...

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Over the weekend, Halloween was even more of a crazy street party than last year. Though rain made Friday a wash-out, Saturday saw Shibuya transform into a veritable carnival of cosplay and costumes, almost all of which seemed to have nothing to do with Halloween in the traditional sense and more to do with looking wild or sexy. And there's nought wrong with that, my friends. All these thousands of people assembling in Shibuya for one night only does create one annoying byproduct, though: trash, and lots of it. To help deal with the problem, AV retailer and producer Soft on Demand (SOD) ...

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Earlier this year Weekly Playboy already organized one of the best photo shoots ever when they brought together 50 gravure idols in one studio. As part of its 50th-anniversary celebrations the magazine also put up a billboard in Shinjuku with life-sized images of top models. Now the generous editors have followed up with 51 Japanese porn stars, all lined up naked in one mega assembly. Sadly the nipples and pussie are censored for the online version (the print edition, maybe not so). What's the point of getting all this flesh together if you're not going to show it?! We ...

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The AV industry in Japan is not all take, take, take. It likes to give back, too. The "boob aid" annual event is one of the best examples of this, in which porn stars let their breasts be groped by ordinary members of the public in order to raise money for AIDS charities. Now Soft on Demand and Japanese porn stars have come together (no pun) to help save the planet. The Do Eco website looks like a porn video streaming site, but don't be fooled. While it's not fully safe for work, there's no sex or nudity. And it's all for a good cause. It features nine AV performers, including ...

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As we know, Japanese porn star Mana Sakura is really popular now -- so much so Tenga hires her to do its promotion. She's also super hot, too hot for universities, it seems. How would like to have the Mana's used panties? Because she doesn't mind giving them away. That's what happened at e-sports SQUARE in Akihabara at a World of Tanks gaming tournament. Live on stage, Mana slipped off and then gave her used panties as a consolation prize to the runners-up. Man, we thought that would be good enough for first place! It has in the past been common ...

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