Just a few days after we reported on the ongoing police crackdown in Kabukicho over drugs, prostitution, and delinquency. These reports appear literally almost daily now. Hosts arrested for extracting debt payments in dubious ways, such as introducing women to pimps. Young women arrested for soliciting on the street. It's a never-ending conveyor belt of moral outrage, dutifully reported in the mainstream media. The most shocking stories are those that involve underage girls: some hosts are so desperate for money and so unscrupulous that they exploit minors. The latest story is in a similar ...

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It sounds like the plot of a modern-day Edogawa Rampo story. Police have arrested a 39-year-old elementary school teacher for trespassing. Masashi Mizuno teaches at a school in Edogawa, Tokyo, and snuck into the home of a high school student who used to be in his class at another school. According to police, Mizuno secretly made a copy of her home key five years prior in anticipation of sneaking into her home in the future. Mizuno apparently had a fetish for female school uniforms. "I wanted a school uniform and I remembered the student, and that she would be in high school by now," he ...

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Where do fantasies about schoolgirls go too far? One example could be when you're upskirting schoolgirls at events. School events are meant to be for kids, parents, and teachers. But it seems that some people -- perhaps sex-starved male parents! -- are more focused on the skimpy clothing that cheerleaders wear during school sporting tournaments, and take inappropriate pictures of them. Female cheerleaders at the Koshien annual high school baseball tournament, which begins today, are often targets of sexualized photographs by some spectators. Given that the young ladies are wearing ...

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Police in Tokyo have arrested a 40-year-old man for employing a 17-year-old high school student. Takeshi Shikano runs a sex industry business in Ikebukuro. He has been arrested on suspicion of violating the child welfare law for employing the high schooler and either making her or allowing her to engage in sex work. Media reports about the arrest do not specify what kind of sex work, which took place in a rented room in the neighborhood in November last year. The police, though, termed it JK rifure -- or high female high school student reflexology -- service, where cuddles and so on are ...

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Japanese adult toy makers are never one to let a commercial opportunity pass. When a toy proves a hit, they usually follow up with a similar one -- or several. But this time, the follow-up is not just a quick cash-in but a complementary item that makes so much sense. So much so, we wonder why they didn't release the original and follow-up together in the first place. Back in February, we introduced readers to one of the most novel toys to hit the market in recent months: the Ashikoki Schoolgirl Footjob Toy. In a nutshell, it's a foot that you use to rub yourself off. It even comes with a ...

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Japanese adult video often pushes the envelope, gamely taking on themes and subject matters ordinarily considered unsuitable or out of bounds for porn. It's one of the reasons the industry is so creative and broad in Japan. Some people, though, are speculating if this example is not going too far -- or simply too eager to test the limits of taste and fetish as to render it unappealing to most audiences. Plus ça change! A new porn release directed by Migiwa Ota and staring Mai Kagari seems, some are saying, more like a kind of horror movie. The behind-the-scenes pictures, at any ...

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As reported before on this blog, the implications of the change in the age of legal adulthood in Japan from 20 to 18 for the adult industry are attracted negative attention. There are fears that teenagers will be forced into contracts and productions they don't want to make, especially as it comes in the relatively recent wake of coercion scandals in the industry. The change comes into effect from April 1, the start of the new fiscal year in Japan. Women (and men) aged 18 and 19 will now be able to make contracts without parental consent, which includes contracts to appear in adult content ...

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April marks the start of the 2022 fiscal and academic years in Japan. It also brings with a major change for young people: the age of adulthood will come down from 20 to 18. Eighteen- and 19-year-olds can already vote, so this change has already been in the works for a while. One of the major consequences of this is regards contracts (somewhat strangely, the age for smoking, drinking, and gambling -- all the good things about being an adult -- will remain 20). In the past, they needed parental consent to sign a commercial contract until they reached the age of majority. Given that a lot of ...

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Handjobs and titjobs are all well represented in the Japanese adult industry, be it awesome sex toys or non-penetrative services by sex workers. But what about footjobs? For too long, these have been the preserve of a select number of fetishists, and perhaps it's time to change that. Thankfully, as we have covered on this blog before, there are some adult toys available if you know where to look. While several earlier toys were made by other makers, we are pleased to see that Tama Toys has finally produced a follow-up to its previous bestseller in the "ashikoki" genre with this Ashikoki ...

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Japanese porn's inventive penchant for parody is well documented on the pages of this blog. Past examples include Demon Slayer, Joker, and Weathering with You. The latest to catch our attention is a parody of Tokyo Revengers, a franchise that has spawned a bestselling manga series, TV anime series, and recent live-action film adaptation. Starring Akari Mitani (who recently got her own clone masturbator toy!), the 152-minute release (HMN00077) from Honnaka is directed by Nao Masaki and came out November 23 in Japan. Like the original series, the AV has a time travel premise. Akari has ...

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