Kiko Mizuhara’s amazing nude lesbian sex scenes in Netflix movie Ride or Die

Netflix continues to invest in ambitious and provocative Japanese dramas and take content risks no mainstream broadcaster in the country would dare.

After its wild success with the suitably nude bonanza that was The Naked Director, now comes the lesbian road movie Ride or Die, starring Kiko Mizuhara and Honami Sato, and released by Netflix on April 15. Its nude scenes are probably the most anticipated in Japan so far this year.

There is some impressive girl-on-girl action in the movie, where you get to see quite a lot of Kiko’s and Honami’s naked breasts and backs as they explore each other’s bodies. There is a fair amount of fingering, nipple-licking, and cunnilingus performed by both ladies. Honami has nice, hard nipples.

A warning, though: the film features a storyline involving domestic violence, so Honami Sato’s body is badly bruised.

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There is also a great straight sex scene with a guy fucking Kiko on a hotel bed with Tokyo Tower visible in the window. Knowing Kiko’s glamorous, party-girl lifestyle, no doubt she has had experiences like this.

We get to see Kiko nude on the bed with her nipples hard. Then she clambers onto the guy and kisses him while she rides him. She clearly knows what she’s doing and rides him hard as he grips her thigh and butt in delight. (Is this the inspiration for the film’s title?!) Unfortunately for the guy (and the viewer), the scene then takes a very violent turn.

It’s a very explicit sex scene but weirdly unrealistic in how things get started, implying either the guy has a tiny penis or a self-guiding cock that can penetrate Kiko without any angling or assistance whatsoever. We’ve got to get ourselves one of those. Or perhaps it’s meant to be that the guy hasn’t penetrated Kiko until she rolls on top of him, which his delighted physical reaction might well suggest, but then what’s his erect cock meant to be doing until that point — just hiding down there between her legs?!

If we’re nitpicking, and it’s certainly something we like to do when it comes to movie sex scenes, we also find it strange that the film is trying to be realistic, if not exploitative, in its explicitness, and yet the man doesn’t spend any time squeezing and stroking Kiko’s lovely slender legs, to say nothing of sucking and licking those sweet, tiny tits of hers. No man with a pulse would be able to resist giving her torso its due.

In a follow-up nude scene, we get a look at Kiko’s butt (though it’s covered in blood) and Honami does a full-frontal.

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The film is based on a manga and is directed by Ryuichi Hiroki, who is known for his dark, erotic fare like Kabukicho Love Hotel (whose awesome nude sex scenes we showcased before) and Vibrator.

Kiko Mizuhara — sporting dyed red hair for her role this time — is no stranger to controversy and has frequently posed for erotic (and occasionally outlandish) shoots, including nude ones. Her acting career, though, has been a tamer affair for the most part, but we suspect she hopes to raise the stakes a bit with this starring role. Either way, we are pretty sure these is her first nude scenes (let us know in the comments if we’re wrong).

Honami Sato was previously featured on this blog with her sexy bed scene in The Cornered Mouse Dreams of Cheese.

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