All hail Yuka Someya, queen of the hair nude

As we were in a bookstore recently perusing the crowded lineup of idol photo books released in the autumn to catch the end-of-year season, we found ourselves returning again and again to the stunning new offering from Yuka Someya.

As regular readers will know, Someya has featured multiple times on this blog.

She has recently established herself as the queen of the hair nude — the full-frontal nude shoot that is usually allowed in spite of Japan’s nominal legal ban on showing genitalia, including bush — with several such shoots.

Someya is now aged 30 and as sultry and curvy as ever. She was rising star in gravure in the 2010s but, as is the wont of this fickle industry, she seemed to disappear in about 2017 until she reappeared in later 2019 with a stunning nude comeback. She had already done a sizzling nude shoot in 2017 but this was her first gravure shoot in around two years. Clearly, demand to see more of Yuka Someya, especially THIS much of her, was there, and it sparked a frenzy of magazine appearances.

This led to several digital hair nude (full-frontal) photo books throughout 2020, which culminated her her first hair nude print photo book, “This is the beginning,” in September 2021. A follow-up, “Dyed in a dream,” is out now (it was released in late September), once again featuring amazing full-frontal nude pics of the star.

We’ve included some highlights from both hair nude print photo books and digital photo books. Yuka Someya’s voluptuous curves wrapped up in a fishnet body stocking is just perfection.

yuka someya hair nude photobook naked full-frontal japanese model pic photo gravure idol

yuka someya hair nude photobook naked full-frontal japanese model pic photo gravure idol

yuka someya hair nude photobook naked full-frontal japanese model pic photo gravure idol

yuka someya hair nude photobook naked full-frontal japanese model pic photo gravure idol

yuka someya hair nude photobook naked full-frontal japanese model pic photo gravure idol

yuka someya hair nude photobook naked full-frontal japanese model pic photo gravure idol

yuka someya hair nude photobook naked full-frontal japanese model pic photo gravure idol

yuka someya hair nude photobook naked full-frontal japanese model pic photo gravure idol

yuka someya hair nude photobook naked full-frontal japanese model pic photo gravure idol

yuka someya hair nude photobook naked full-frontal japanese model pic photo gravure idol

yuka someya hair nude photobook naked full-frontal japanese model pic photo gravure idol

yuka someya hair nude photobook naked full-frontal japanese model pic photo gravure idol

yuka someya hair nude photobook naked full-frontal japanese model pic photo gravure idol

yuka someya hair nude photobook naked full-frontal japanese model pic photo gravure idol

yuka someya hair nude photobook naked full-frontal japanese model pic photo gravure idol

yuka someya hair nude photobook naked full-frontal japanese model pic photo gravure idol

yuka someya hair nude photobook naked full-frontal japanese model pic photo gravure idol

yuka someya hair nude photobook naked full-frontal japanese model pic photo gravure idol

yuka someya hair nude photobook naked full-frontal japanese model pic photo gravure idol

Let’s hope there’s a third photo book next year!

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  • TheDude December 2, 2022

    So much for concentrating at work now

  • Tadashi Anahori (Post author) December 2, 2022


    We are always happy to provide distractions!

  • Matthew deRosa December 2, 2023

    There are Asian nationalities that have great reputations for female beauty, like Thais, Vietnamese and Filipinos. But no nationality on Earth even begins to compete with the Japanese for looking great naked. I hope that celebrity ‘hair nudes’ come back big style. The women who have done are the most beautiful and charismatic nude models in the world. Demi Moore or Natassja Kinski, who have done top shelf nudity are not close to these women for naked style. It takes a Japanese singer Kom_I to be able to go naked for public gaze with, for I’m sure, no loss at all to her stature or public dignity. No western actress could pull off what Miho Kanno does in her nude pictures, without the slightest cause for regret or embarrassment, decades on. Everyone can just see that what she did was enchantingly beautiful. Exactly the same can be said of Saki Takaoka. The photography in both cases is superb.
    There are thousands of models who are trivially prettier than Yuka Someya, but for profound beauty and charisma no non-Japanese model or actress gets close.
    Thank you for these great posts.

  • john r fiore July 7, 2024

    here again you have a beautiful girl with absolutely atrocious photography, posing and wardrobe.

    all these photogrphers and art directors need to be fired immediately….putting food on this girls beautiful body…idiotic…and keep the posing simple…and clothing not necessary for nude shoots

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