The Japanese gravure idol (glamor model) industry is a competitive and overly populated place, with idols coming and going in quick succession. In order to maintain their status, idols are required to keep up strong social media presences. This, of course, means Twitter and Instagram, but increasingly also YouTube. Gradols have to be YouTubers these days, too. The coronavirus has made this more urgent than before as splashy shoots and meet-and-greet events are either not having or only in far reduced numbers, decreasing the potential for idols to earn fees. Perhaps feeling the pinch, ...

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We are avoiding beaches and public pools right now, given the ongoing coronavirus infection rate, but that doesn't mean we aren't thinking about swimsuits. Far from it, they are one of the highlights of any summer in Japan. And to show just how far things have come, we wanted to share with you an image from 1966 (Showa 41), which we spotted shared on Twitter. It's an advertisement for "beach-ready" ladies in their colorful swimsuits. "Which is your pattern?" the main copy asks. All the women model different styles of swimwear, each aimed at a respective kind of personality (from the ...

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