Onsen (hot spring) are a stable of any man's fantasies about Japan. Sexy girls emerging from the hot steam, clean and pungent in every nook and cranny of their elegant bodies... They dry themselves off and head in their yukata to the tatami bedroom, where you proceed to investigate just how clean they are. Being still warm to the touch, they also feel very warm on the INSIDE too. And if you like the feel of a girl just out of a hot spring, then you will also love the Nukut Warming Onahole. This masturbator can be heated up to retain a heat that will glow around your member as ...

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We've talked before how, despite all their loveliness, there is no getting around the fact that many Japanese girls are flat chested. As one commenter on that blog post pointed out, large breasts sag with age so it is better to go with modest chests in youth for a more attractive older woman. (And older Japanese women can also be extremely hot!) Japanese hinnyu ("poor" breasts) can also be a fetish. Many guys here like girls with nothing on their chests! Tsurupeta also means flat-chested and it seems there are some other hidden advantages to girls with no busts to speak of ...

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We all love a good piece of ass. What if it's so good they've been making it for centuries? The Yotsumeya Shojo Virgin Sakura is an ass and buttocks masturbator onahole based on the classic adult toys sold at the Yotsumeya, the old sex shop that used to operate in Edo, or Tokyo as it was previously known centuries ago. We've been trying this out and it's great how it has a really bulky feel, like a real person. Plus it's soft and tender, just like a virgin. Anyone who loves a pert butt will want to get their hands around these ones. We also love the history-themed box! And the best ...

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One of the most interesting trends in Japanese adult toys is parody or the way it uses other media as inspiration for "unofficial" adaptations. This is particularly the case with anime or otaku-themed onaholes. A new example is inspired by Papakiki!, the popular anime and manga series, and known by its full title as Listen to Me, Girls. I Am Your Father! (Papa no iu koto wo kikinasai!). Taking the schoolgirl virgin characters and converting their tight pussies into handy holes, the Listen to Me, Girls. I Am Your Horny Father! is a new series of three holes. Here's how ...

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It's summer! That means heading to the pool or to the beach... of course to do a bit of swimming but mostly just to do some serious babe-spotting! We're not alone in this. Japan's sex toys developers also like sexy girls at the beach too, it seems. We just got our hands on the new Open Leg Beach Onahole. Unlike other Japanese adult toys, it's not actually a pair of legs. But it is inspired by visions of seeing hot Japanese chicks sitting on the sand, their legs slightly apart and revealing a succulent pussy for the taking. Here's how our friends at KanojoToys describe ...

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They say that China will one day be the most powerful country in the world. And perhaps it's no surprise when even their natural resources can manufacture onahole masturbators! Yes, in a well in a suburb of Xi'an a very special mushroom has been "discovered" which local news got very excited. It's an extremely rare and ancient form of fungus, eaten eaten even by the first emperor! Apparently... Is it a fake? Of course. But apparently in tightly controlled China, on top of Google and the BBC, you can't easily get your hands on a onahole so people didn't recognize a masturbator so ...

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What is it about them? Is it their skirts? Their coy -- but likely experienced -- looks? I don't know exactly but there's something about Japanese high school girls that gets every man randy! You may often see them hanging around Shibuya temptingly by themselves waiting to be picked up for a "date" (the so-called enjo kosai compensated dating trend that seems hardly in the media these days). Sometimes we've seen such high school girls out on dates with foreigners too, perhaps English teachers providing extracurricular support. But you need to be careful. Even with Japan's ...

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We've been trying out some examples of the big trend in otaku onahole toys recently. Meiki masturbators and clone onaholes based on top sexy JAV stars always guarantee to set your imagination on fire. But sometimes you need something a bit different to get the juices literally flowing. Me and Tadashi are not what you could call otaku, though we do like to watch anime and read manga on occasion. But Kazuki is a big geek and so he jumped at the chance to tell us about the joys of these new kinds of adult toys, based on the otaku subculture characters, real or otherwise. Take the ...

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We've been having lots of fun with masturbators based on sexy Japanese anime girls recently. Here's another super example, the Tomeko Idol, a "virtual onahole with superbody feeling"! It's based on the anime mascot of an adult toys series and is made from Yawahada, a new material that is odor-free and long-lasting. Just imagine pushing yourself slowly into a cute Harajuku girl with silly cat ears. Here's how KanojoToys describe it: The gaping lips-style entrance tightens to a long and narrow nub-lined passage, finishing in an air pocket vacuum that will put pressure ...

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She might well have recently announced her departure from Japan's biggest girl band, but you can still keep a bit of Atsuko Maeda in your life. In fact, you can get even more of the former AKB48 star than usual with this Acchan Kojiri masturbator, a realistic tight onahole which, very unofficially, models itself on Atsuko's (aka Acchan) cute small butt (kojiri). Not only is this an onahole masturbator with a hole to pleasure yourself, there is also a pair of Acchan's sexy panties AND even lotion based on her own love juices. This is of course not designated official ...

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