As we know, attitudes towards safe sex and sex education are somewhat lacking in Japan. Condoms are merely for preventing pregnancies, that's presuming the guys even stop to worry about that. Judging by how many shotgun weddings there are even among famous celebrities, it seems that "do first, think later" is often the rule after a few drinks and a trip to a love hotel. What can you do to protect yourself? Well, condoms are a solution and a love hotel will always provide at least one for you. What about getting tested for STDs or STIs? After all, syphilis is on the rise and HIV ...

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How do you get people to have safe sex? Well, don't trust the guys to fulfil their end of the bargain, it seems. Instead, get the girls to insist on protection. And communicate to them using their favorite manga characters. That seems to be the logic behind the latest safe sex campaign in the sexually transmitted infection heaven that is Japan. Sailor Moon, the manga and anime series popular with girls and young women, has inspired its own series of contraception. The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has launched a campaign fronted by Naoko Takeuchi's Sailor Moon heroines to ...

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