In what seems to like the plot of a dodgy AV uploaded to FC2, an Osaka court has ordered a man to pay compensation to a woman he had unprotected sex with. The sex was fully consensual but she wanted him to wear a condom. He refused and the woman sued him for ¥1.73 million. Osaka District Court recognized that the man's actions constituted a violation of the woman's sexual self-determination and ordered him to pay compensation of ¥740,000. Japanese lawsuits typically involve quite small monetary amounts and the compensation awarded is often lower than what the plaintiff demands. The man ...

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Tech is going to solve all our problems, right? Tech -- and especially AI -- is the Band-Aid, the panacea. Or so we are led to believe, and so the government certainly seems to believe. We wrote before that the Japanese government is turning to artificial intelligence to fix the chronically declining birth rate, and that many prefectures are now involved with matchmaking services in a desperate bid to reverse the drop in marriages and, more importantly, babies. While we personally think the issue is much more about the work culture in Japan and (like in other countries) the dilemma women ...

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Every two or so months, we seem to stumble upon yet another news story about sexlessness in Japan. And with perfect timing, here's the latest, following the claim that two in three marriages in Japan are sexless that we wrote about in January. As always, these assertions are based on surveys with dubiously small samples. First published in the Japan Times, this latest story states that nearly half of married couples don't have sex. (And if you're now feeling déjà vu, you're not alone: an almost identical article appeared in 2017.) The first question mark about this is the definition of ...

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Earlier in the month, we reported on a new services offered by a real estate company that puts couples together on blind dates to view properties. If that sounds a bit outlandish, wait till you hear what local governments think the solution is to boosting the marriage and birth rate in Japan. You've guessed it: artificial intelligence. The buzzword of the decade is not only going to change everything from graphic design to how movies are made (and no doubt, how porn is produced), but also how we find prospective partners. Matchmaking events and services are now using AI to filter ...

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What's the solution to Japan's dating problem? Namely, large numbers of young people just don't seem all that interested in dating. Well, reports Nikkei Asia, it could be combining dating with getting a foot on the property ladder. A new dating service in Japan matches singles based not on things like movie preferences or even, shock, physical attributes, but on their dream home. This might seem random or even just plain wrong as an approach, but the choice of where you want to live reveals things about your values. And if your values don't gel, it will probably be a problem in the long ...

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Dating apps like Tinder are ways to meet Japanese girls. There's always the chance that you will meet the girl of your dreams, your future wife, your next hookup -- or even a celebrity. Former AKB48 idol and model Rina Hirata has shared publicly that she is using dating apps to look for a partner. She didn't disclose which one(s) she uses -- we imagine it's not the app for otaku -- but she hasn't had any luck so far. "I met about 10 guys but none of the dates went well," the Arizona-born hottie shared at a recent event in Tokyo to launch her latest gravure image DVD, Showa ...

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A new survey has found that a third of unmarried Japanese adults in their twenties, thirties, and forties have never been in a relationship. As reported by Kyodo News: At 34.1 percent, the ratio of single men and women who have never had a romantic relationship was at a record high since Recruit Holdings Co., a staffing service group, began conducting surveys on people's views on marriage in 2017. The figure of 25.6 percent for people not seeking marriage nearly matches the finding in last year's gender equality survey by the Japanese government, which has been struggling to deal with the ...

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A survey has found that 46% of unmarried Japanese men in their twenties have never dated a member of the opposite sex. The figure is a record high, representing a significant increase from 34.2% in the last survey two years ago. The survey by Recruit Bridal Research Institute found a slight drop in the numbers of men in their forties who have never dated (down from 27.1% to 22.9%), but a rise in the numbers of men in their thirties (up from 35.4% to 41.2%). Just 26.7% of men in their twenties said they currently had a partner. On average, 43.5% of men said they wanted to get married in ...

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Do androids dream of electric sheep? Do otaku date non-2D women? These are the eternal questions of our times. In the case of the latter, it seems that are some otaku who are keen to branch out into three dimensions. So much so that, well, there's an app for that. Otakoi (Otaku Love) is a dating app for otaku. The promo images are just awesome. If you've seen these ads popping in your feed, you know you're in trouble! Needless to say, these images are AI-generated. The presence of fake photos of couples might be a warning sign for a dating app, but since the target demographic is ...

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The syphilis epidemic in Japan is something that has featured on this blog countless times. Just last year, we wrote about its alarming further growth. We wish we had something more positive to share with readers, but the news just keeps getting worse. The total number of cases in 2023 has already exceeded 10,000 -- the fastest time this has ever occurred. Medical experts are advising people to get tested even if they exhibit no symptoms in an effort to stop the spread of the disease. Cases hit 10,103 on September 3, according to the National Institute of Infectious Diseases. That is a ...

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