A Korean politician on a board for women and families once claimed that there are around 50,000 Korean prostitutes in Japan, some 2,500 in Australia and 250 in Guam. "In the whole world there are 100,000," said Okuyi Kim. The reason why so many Korean women enter the world's oldest profession? Well, money must be the main one. 10 Korean women arrested in Canada in May 2012 gave that explanation to police. Foreign prostitutes in the US are said to be 23.5% Korean, the largest of any nationality, followed by 11.7% Thai and 10% Peruvian. With Korea's own tightening of prostitution laws in ...

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And the secret to Korean girls' beauty? Is it plastic surgery as the rumors have it? Hard work? Magical cosmetics? No. It's angles. Angles define how you see and what you see. And this girl demonstrates brilliantly how can transform your entire face without the need to change diet, do a workout or take drugs. To be fair, she is hardly the country's sexiest film star and appears to have a bit of flab around her chin. But then from an above angle, the change in perspective is phenomenal. Don't just take our word for it. Watch the lady demonstrate herself! What she is ...

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This blog may well call itself Tokyo Kinky but that doesn't preclude us from stepping over the water sometimes to write about the wonders that are women in China, Taiwan or Korea. We have a particular liking for Korean girls, not least the stunning actresses -- who are much more willing to take off their clothes for hot sex scenes in films than their Japanese counterparts. We are the lucky recipients of this and in fact have previously tempted opinionated readers to join us in speculating which girls are sexier -- Japanese or Korean? Well, there is of course no real answer to such a ...

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Everyone's mad about Dan Mitsu these days. But how about this Taiwanese beauty, Sharon Hsu? She's being called the Mitsu Dan of Taiwan. Her assets are very similar to Dan's: A height of 161cm, with a 82cm bust and 56cm waist. She was also born in 1981, the same year as Dan, of course. She's been a model since her teens and featured in Vogue, Elle and other fashion magazines. She's also released bestselling photo books and her songs have been viewed hundreds of thousands of times on YouTube. What do you think? Does she compare to Mitsu ...

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Japanese porn star Sola Aoi (aka Sora Aoi) is immensely popular in China but her latest attempt to flog her titillating DVDs has backfired with the establishment. She has now indulged in some calligraphy in the country, though it has been criticized as "unskilled" by traditionalists. That hasn't stopped it from being auctioned for $95,000! Sola wrote eight Kanji characters at a theme park in Ningbo, which were sold this month. However, the media has tried to use the opportunity to criticize this "foreign" invader of the flesh. "The style of calligraphy is childish, ...

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Finally do we have proof that plastic surgery has gone too far in Korea? Right now the Japanese internet is enjoying just such a gloat as they peruse the entries for Miss Korea. Why? Because the ladies look so similar it is virtually impossible to tell them apart unless you look at the Hangul names. It's no secret that plastic surgery is rampant in Korea -- as opposed to Japan, where it is common in the celebrity world but kept an open secret -- but does this mean that everyone starts to look the same, with the same kind of generic beauty? The girls look lovely but ...

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A sixteen-year-old girl in Taiwan has made some "friends" online by posting a series of posts of herself in overly kawaii (cute) poses, plus some where she is clearly do her utmost to show off her cleavage. There's nothing much more to say about this... except ...

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Following the orbital rise of Korean girl unit Girls Generation, Japanese pop has been searching for who can combat the continental ladies' incredible leg power. This answer, it is being touted, is this new group, Bikyaku Jidai -- literally "Beautiful Legs Era" -- who have been formed for this express purpose. The main qualification for the seven ladies in the group was that they had lovely legs. With such single-minded approach we suspect their musical success may be rather limited. This is one of their masterpieces. By way of comparison, here are the Korean ladies in ...

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Three female celebrities were arrested in Seoul by local police on March 13th for use of the illegal drug propofol ("milk shot") from dozens to hundreds of times over the past two years. Park Si-yeon, Lee Seung-yeon, and Jang Mi-inae are the latest actresses to be investigated and charged. Yeong Hyeon has also been fined for use of the drug. Although propofol has many medical uses around the world, in Korea its frequent use as an hallucinogenic agent led to it being defined as a mind-altering drug in 2011. Its use is an open secret in the entertainment world in Korea and scandal ...

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We don't wish to stoke any more international anger between Japan and Korea, but we just had to blog this when we read about it. The December issue of tabloid rag SAPIO is reporting that, while it is not a fact that Korean men have the smallest of cocks, it is smaller than normal. Just 9cm is apparently what's been bandied around online. I personally have no experience with Korean men so cannot say either way. On the whole, they seem more macho than their Japanese counterparts, so this news is surprising, to be honest. A Spanish penis enlargement company has done a "survey" ...

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