A new film explores the feelings of war guilt for Japanese people. Caterpillar is about a soldier, haunted by his experiences of torture and rape in China during the war, who returns to Japan a hero... but without any legs or arms. Though he is torn apart internally by his feelings of guilt for his actions in Asia, he is still very keen of screwing his wife! She obliges like a good woman was expected back then (and still now!), despite the obvious practical difficulties of having sex with a severely disabled man. The director, Koji Wakamatsu, actually got his break in the industry ...

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This is an interesting topic and one that I get quite angry about. Why is the mainstream Japanese entertainment world so coy about sex scenes and nudity? TV is a joke! Not a nipple in sight. If you want titillation from a "normal" Japanese movie, good luck! And don't even get us started on the mosaic censorship that invades even simulated sex scenes. Talk about ruining the dramatic suspense... Anyway, here's a round-up of some of the Japanese actresses who are less inhibited. Rinko Kikuchi is fast-establishing herself as the only actress to strip off. She did it first in Babel ...

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It's time to go back in history and prove that the Japanese have always been an erotic lot. Do you all know the tale of Sada Abe (阿部 定)? Born in 1905, she is infamous as the prostitute/maid who asphyxiated her lover and boss, Kichiro Ishida, in an inn after days of continuous sex. Kichiro was the owner of the eel restaurant where Sada worked and he soon seduced his employee. They made love for the first time to the accompaniment of geisha singing, before eventually decamping to the 1930s equivalent of a love hotel, where they stayed for four days screwing non-stop. After ...

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A new Japanese movie called Air Doll (空気人形) has been released. We always suspected that it was about time mainstream society took an interest in our ways, and could this be start? The story, about a man who purchases a sex doll that comes alive, is sure to appeal to our sensibilities and that of regular readers of this blog. We also love the super cute Korean actress Bae Doo-na (above), who plays the eponymous doll. What's more, our sources tell us she spends much of the running time au naturel! But don't be satisfied with just a movie. Check out the superb range of sex ...

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