We all like a no-strings attached kind of arrangement. So where to find Japanese ladies keen on this? We just spotted this amusing photo report on a visit to a dating telephone club, or terekura, which were once commonly located in city neighborhoods as places where men could go to ring up women for dates. These days terekura have been more or less replaced by deai cafes and online alternatives, where you can be introduced to ladies willing to do the business with you -- for some compensation, natch. The blogger went to a terekura in Kabukicho, one which I'm sure many of our ...

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Not all manga is One Piece and Doraemon, you know! Akira Narita is a Japanese mangaka (comic book artist) who gained a cult following for writing manga about his experiences with girls at terekura, the "telephone clubs" where you can go and contact girls willing to go on "dates". They are of course basically just euphemistic portals to amateur prostitution. He claims to have had sex with 400 girls in this way and describes as such in his manga, including his various techniques. In more recent years he has been collaborating with adult toy makers to produce a series of sex toys in ...

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