Creator and marketing mad scientist behind AKB48, Akimoto Yasushi, was quoted as saying, "The least popular members are holding us back and we need to get rid of them." due to the less than stellar turn out for Oku Manami's graduation announcement event. Of course you know Atsuko Maeda, Tomomi Itano and Yuko Ohshima. He's not talking about them. He's talking about the huge chorus of unknowns behind them who do little more than create a cheerleader effect that gets so many otaku hearts fluttering. Upon hearing this news, quite a few of the "unpopular members" as they are referred ...

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This just in, Sayaka Akimoto has resigned as captain from Team K and her new boyfriend is older than her dad! It has been reported on Yahoo Japan recently that the sexy 22 year old Akimoto has been seen not only out on the town with Ouji Hiroi, who is 34 years older than her, but they have also been spotted entering and exiting their respective residences together at night and leaving in the morning. As many are well aware, AKB48 has a no dating policy that is quite strictly enforced. When asked about the situation, representatives for both parties stated that there must be some ...

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