In a move certain to delight almost every man in Japan (and beyond), Rola, the Japanese-Bengali-Russian model who appears on almost every train ad or TV commercial in Japan these days, has stripped off for a semi-nude photo shoot. There were rumors last year that Rola was suffering mental stress from overwork, trapped in an unforgiving contract with her agency that is milking her for all the yen it can get, but she seems happy enough in this photo shoot for the October 2018 issue of Numero Tokyo magazine. The photos revel in her bronze skin and exotic haafu aura. We get plenty of ...

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Love her or loathe her, one thing can't be denied about the tarento and model Rola: she has staying power. While many other minor celebrities and idols have come and gone, she has continued to dominate TV and advertising, despite only having one real shtick -- that of being a haafu and playing stupid. She has already survived one scandal when her foreign father was arrested for fraud a few years ago. Can she survive this one? (Spoiler: we think so.) She recently posted a video of herself to her popular Instagram account. Nothing unusual about that. Rola has a huge following on ...

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